It may come as a shock to you to learn that Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are actually married. In 2009, a photo of the cheerleaders posing with quarterback Tony Romo was deemed too sexy to be real, but it did make for an interesting read. This story shows how the cheerleaders are the ultimate contradictions, embodied by the opposite sexes.
Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders began a new look in 1972, when a choreographer was hired by the legendary team founder, Dee Brock. The cheerleaders were no longer adorned in skirts and sexy tops, but they still wore revealing outfits. A new podcast tracing the history of the cheerleading squad tells the story in an entertaining and educational way. It features interviews with former Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders as well as with those who have stepped down from the team’s ranks.
In addition to being sexy, Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are also hysterical. They have a knack for making the crowd go crazy, and have even been shown hula hooping. They’re even more sexy than their male counterparts. Despite the fact that their popularity is not on the decline, cheerleaders are still a major draw for football fans.
Not only have the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders gained notoriety as a sexy group, but they also earned the status of celebrities. Although they didn’t actually cheer at the game, they were still feted as celebrities and were even whisked to the games in a private jet. Despite all of their glamour, the cheerleaders were underpaid for their work.
The cheerleaders, originally called the Dallas Cowgirls, made their debut in Texas Stadium in 1972. Although they were popular with fans, they were not yet favorites on national television. However, they began their rise to fame when a temporary director for ABC’s nationally-televised game instructed camera operators to shoot multiple shots of the cheerleader squads. That televised game received 100 million viewers, and the cheerleaders’ sexy image was the result.
The sexy Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders teamed up with ex-pop star George Michael, who didn’t have his trademark camp beard. George Michael is a cheerleader’s biggest fan, and he’s been pursuing his interest in cheerleading with no clothes. However, he’d like to see more men involved in the film. In 1998, he was arrested in Beverly Hills for proposing a police officer. In the film, the policeman will appear in a supporting role.
The cheerleaders’ debut coincided with the introduction of Title IX, which gave female athletes equal status with male ones in college sports. Another significant event occurred around the same time, Deep Throat, which was a porno movie. In addition to these two developments, the cheerleaders were also the subject of a highly controversial legal case – Roe v. Wade.